Does your company need to complete major renovations? Although remodeling is often necessary and will make your business better in the end, it is a serious interruption of business operations. One way to reduce the impact of remodeling and keep your company running smoothly is to opt for mobile storage rather than off-site permanent storage facilities. Read on to learn five of the most important ways these could be the right choice.
1. Employees Can Access It
Moving offices, departments, and equipment is necessary for a big remodel, but it can wreak havoc on employees' ability to do their jobs. The longer your renovation project will take, the less likely it is that everyone can foresee every item needed at every occasion in the future.
A simple solution is to use mobile storage on your own site, providing employees with ongoing access to stored documents and tools. The many sizes and shapes of mobile containers allow you to rent plenty of space to ensure easy access, or you can even separate storage areas between departments.
2. You Can Rotate Items
Will your renovation occur in stages? Phasing construction through different areas helps reduce how long each department or physical site is impacted. Transporting workstations and offices in and out of storage is difficult when that storage is off-site and staff members are still trying to get work done.
Mobile containers make rotating what is stored much easier and more cost-effective. Employees are able to move things at their convenience or even clear out an entire section of the business at a moment's notice. There is no need to abide by business hours or contact outside transportation.
3. You Can Still Serve Customers
Mobile storage containers aren't just for storage. Can you use one or more to help continue serving customers on-site even when normal facilities aren't operational? While you generally don't want to use mobile containers as offices, they can be opened up to hold inventory, to provide pickup and drop-off for customers, or to serve as a base for certain operations (like shipping, packing, or assembly).
4. You Can Move It Later
Their mobility gives containers an advantage over permanent storage units. Any business going through extensive physical site changes needs to be as flexible as it can be for as long as it takes. Containers give you that ability.
You might start out keeping a container conveniently on-site and then move it when construction progresses to a different stage. You can move it to another spot on your property, on another private property, or even have it stored in a dedicated facility provided by the container service.
5. You Save Money
Finally, many businesses find that mobile containers are a cost-effective storage solution during renovations. Its convenient location means your staff spends less time moving things to and from storage and do not have to go off-site to retrieve items. If you can rotate stored items more easily, you can rent a smaller unit than you may think.
Where to Learn More
Could portable storage pods or containers help make your upcoming construction better for the company, its employees, and its customers? If so, start by learning more about how these modern storage options work and get tips for their use by consulting with a moving service in your area that specializes in mobile options.
With more than a century of experience in commercial moving and storage, the team at
Christofferson Moving & Storage
can help you to find the best solution to protect your business operations and facilitate construction. Call today to find answers to your questions.